It is up to you to fix your future so it does not reflect your past!
Interesting thought to process isn't it! Considering that you have a bad past to reflect from? I just realized that that implicates you have something to fix. Not everyone does, but generally speaking we do. So having fixed that idea, let's look at that a minute. Those are the words I sent with my grandson, Logan when he left for Arcosanti, Arizona. It is something I share with counselees, friends, and family when I note that they "chew" on things, fixate on how they grew up, hate their life as it is right now. God planted that sentence in my head one Saturday morning even though it is a new way to say - "Get over it, you can't change it, move on!" I like it because it clearly points to how IT IS UP TO US to forgive and move on. It is unproductive, it is a waste of time, it only breeds frustration and contempt. It brings on Mal-content and we become bitter old-people. I will be writing about this in the current book, "I Hate It When my Soul is Crying!"
Yesterday I attended a simulcast - live from Colorado on the Case for Christianity. How timely that is today. So many unhappy and frustrated people. Look at the disasters that are becoming a daily event. Go on and you will learn the empirical evidence for the Case for Christ. He was, He is, He always will be the way, the truth, the life. Even the Atheist scientists are going "oops".
It is an amazing study and well worth your while to learn how to dispel all the questions and opposition people have when resisting the truths of our Lord God Jehovah!
I will be sharing an excerpt from the book next week.
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