Friday, January 28, 2011


It is the end of January. I look back and say - did I start out the way I wanted to? Was I fired up, did I lose weight, did I touch someone with generosity, did I tell someone about Jesus and what He has done for my life in 2011. Well, two out of three isn't bad. I got fired up and I have talked about how the Lord God Jehovah is our reason for living. A friend who has prophetic abilities gave me a message from God that I needed to live 2011 Large - Rise above all the junk. Rise above all the tragedy you see. Rise above your need to fix or control all that stuff. Let God be God. He has it all in control anyway.

I see people scrambling. I hear about and am involved in many intense situations. Family as well as others. This year already, it feels different. I see Him in action and I call on Him because I just don't know how to see the way past or steer the way past life's obstacles. Psalm 112: 7 says. "He shall not be afraid of evil tiding; his heart is firmly fixed, trusting (leaning on and being confident) in the Lord." AMP Version. Perhaps it is my age, but it is so simple and direct. "Why would I want to try anything else but Jesus Christ to walk me through life?" Many of us have tried, haven't we. Booze, my way or the highway, workaholism, (sp), spending, television, anything to cover over the pain of reality. Some of us don't believe that a God can let such horrific things happen and we cover that over by turning away. I just keep coming back to the truth. God's grace is disguised in mercy, unconditional love, and life giving breath. You need to run, not walk towards Him and plead for that living water. His miracle touch. His miracle power. His miracle Grace. If you haven't tried it, you are missing out on a daily flushing of worries, upheaval, and offenses that grind us down into the dirt. How do I know? I have experienced that this month of January. It is quite refreshing to not be bogged down like I have in the past.

Look into His Word, you will find out there is not another entity that can love, protect and deliver you from all that stuff in life that is handed to us every day. I could list cases of tragedy, just in my sphere of influence, right off the bat. And that is the tip of the iceberg. Our day and age has proven that the days of carefree abandonment are over. We always have choices, don't we. But as for me, I am running for help. To the CEO of life. Jesus Christ. The Way, The Truth, and the Life.

He came in the flesh, He died for us so we could be free of micro-managing our lives.
And then, He rose again so you could be free. It doesn't mean free from life's distractions, but free from letting it take you down. Get in His corner. Let Him prove it to you.

Next - I will be getting back to the book "I Hate It When My Soul Is Crying" Exerts will resume next week.

Rest in Him - Phil 4: - 6, 7, and 8
and, Phil 4: 13
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Sunday, January 23, 2011


written by Hope (J.T.) edited by Faith

Just why can't my soul smile? Just knowing Jesus and who He is, should make me smile? Why can't I tap into that power that I know I have? What is blocking the peace that is already mine?

I know God is here, in me. He is right beside me, holding me in the palm of His hand. I know by reading His Word that He has plans for me. Jeremiah 20: 11 "I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome."

But, yet I hear my soul crying. It continues to do so so loudly that it washes away the joy. I so long for the joy. Maybe it is true, I must not be deserving. No, rubbish. I know better then that. It is a lie of the devil. Why can't I get it and keep it? His Word says, I am loved. He never changes, He is the same today, and tomorrow.

It scares me that the moment I begin to grasp it, to feel some joy seeping in, I freak out. There it is again, it is still a lie from the pit of hell, and I acknowledge that awareness. So, if I acknowledge that awareness, what else do I need to get - what is missing?

Thank you Jesus, a verse pops up in my head - James 1: 2 CONSIDER IT ALL JOY MY BRETHREN (SISTERS) WHEN YOU ENCOUNTER VARIOUS TRIALS.

Oops! It isn't an emotional feeling thing. It is a choice to receive the Joy of the Lord. The gift of joy - the action is to receive it in. It is so much better than all the riches of the world. I hold my hands up, I life my face up to the heavens. And, like a wonderful warm penetrating light from the SUN - SON - it floods in like a tsunami. Immeasurable and consuming. The Joy of the Lord. Because He knows I can't do it alone, I am helpless without Him.

And, best of all - because I desire it so much, I need Him so much, He came. So you see, we can be cracked and lifeless. We can be whining around and wet with tears. We really are blind for a moment, aren't we? But, we are still women after His own heart and we need to RISE above those ill gotten emotional perspectives we get sometimes. Make 2011 the year - you rise above it. Helpless, but desiring His healing touch. His plan for you to get through this "event", loss, or situation. The first three steps of the Twelve-Step AA program goes like this.



So many women today - feel overwhelmed. They love Jesus, but there are those days today. Long years ago, it was so much simpler. Everyone is trying to analyze why it is so scary and unsafe. Complicated and cracked. All we need really is Jesus glue.
Make Him the source of your cry out for healing. Life isn't going to change as I can see it. I thought a couple years ago, that this was just temporary. Nope. This book for women is about how to manage our emotional responses to the crazy chaos of this world. A new way to access Jesus in our brokenness and know - no matter what is going on, He will show us how to live by Grace - a grace disguised.

Coming up -

Saturday, January 15, 2011


written by pen name: Ginger

Inspiration for title: "I Hate It When My Soul Is Crying" Ginger

Part 1

"just how do you find the light after you have been in the dark for so long? What does it take to fix this horrendous crack in your soul after it has festered for decades?
The answer is simple, yet so very complicated. Not many will ever be able to truly grasp it. I am praying I am one of the few who does.

The answer is the Cross."

Isaiah 53: 5

"But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was a crushed for our inequities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His stripes we are healed."

"So knowing this truth should make it easy for me to say, my soul is whole!! I am no longer cracked and can now find true joy. However, because I have allowed Satan to distract me from truly knowing the truth. . .or even more so, experiencing it. . . now I have to learn how to reroute my thinking. Do you know how hard that is? It means I have to let go of everything, everything I have ever known and become completely vulnerable. Now, I am guessing that if your soul has been as cracked as mine, vulnerability is probably not in your vocabulary. Becoming vulnerable means, YOU ARE GOING TO GET HURT! And, isn't that our number one goal as "cracked soul survivors". . .to protect ourselves from becoming anymore cracked than we already are?"


PART TWO coming - feedback can go to

Sunday, January 9, 2011


it may still work, but it also can leak. . .and it is also able to let other undesirable things in that shouldn't be there. . .and it hurts!!!! It hurts so - so bad it makes me cry!"

I tried to put the artwork that John made for me in this piece, but it won't load. It is a picture of a lady inside a big glass jar. With the lid on it. She is standing in there looking out. A tear running down her face. A crack show up on the right side of the jar. This actually came to me from someone close. I kept it. I hear women talking about this trapped, going no where feeling. Jennifer T, wrote to me a couple of weeks ago and started this new project of writing. "I Hate It When My Soul Is Crying" Wow!
It so caught me off guard and instantly got me excited. Jennifer T then wrote a poem kind lyric writing after that. Our other friend Jen E started forming thoughts on women today and how they feel at times. It struck me that we had to address this issue.

"It is a book about women today who feel trapped, ignored, insignificant, thrown out, discounted, underachieved, overachieved, offended, disrespected, considered stupid, ignorant, inferior, insecure, oppressed, feel like failures, unworthy, inadequate. . .
overwhelmed - YOU NAME IT!"


WE have already launched and we are excited to share some magnificent things from God on worthiness and how to RISE above this and make 2011 your best year.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Here it is January 2nd - And, I am still wrapping - wrapping up new years resolutions like SOUDER BANS THE MONTH OF DECEMBER FOR 2011. Woman in small town Indiana, USA gets arrested for legislating a ban on December!

Now, you know, you have thought of it yourself. So, don't get all aghast at my statement.

I am tired today, and still have three get togethers to go to yet. It has been a week of sorting, putting Christmas away and seeing drawers that need cleaned out too! Did I celebrate Christ's birthday the way I wanted to or should have. Okay, so I don't freak you all out here, it wasn't too bad, but I am wanting more. So, I was thrilled to start off the new year reading in my devotions some challenges that really hit the spot.

To wet your whistle, I will be writing and developing a whole segment on "I Hate It When My Soul is Crying!" inspired by a friend of mine. And, sharing with you her heart much like David did in the Psalms.

But today - I am proposing that WE WRAP ONE MORE GIFT!

Ourselves. Psalm 63: 1/8. But particularly the first verse and the last one.

I am committing to Jesus, that I want to get wrapped up tightly in. . .

Vs 1: "O God, you are my God, earnestly will I seek You; my inner self thirsts for you, in a dry and weary land where no water is."

vs 8: "My whole being FOLLOWS hard after You and clings closely to You; your right hand upholds me."

All the indications here are, that we need to hang on tightly, the journey could get bumpy, but you will soar and see things you never saw before. Our individual journeys with God are so rich and full. However, sometimes the distractions of the world get in our way and we slump down for awhile. I did get distracted in December with all the tyranny's of the urgent. Actually I could use some temporary amnesia. I will develop that one later.

So, my friends, I am wrapping up this week and preparing for a journey. It means that I need to seek the Lord earnestly, wait on the Lord, and when He moves, be ready to hang on tight. Sometimes He goes places that are outside my comfort zone. How about you. But, we learn and get blessed getting out of the boat and walking on water with Him. Don't just sit in the boat of _____________(you name it). Figure it out and then reach upward to GO!

Have a Great 2011 figuring it all out and DOING IT!