Thursday, July 29, 2010





Sunday, July 25, 2010


It would be so FABULOUS and DELICIOUS to gather up everyone and just sail away for a few weeks. The Princess Emerald in Jekyll Island looks just like the Odyssey up at Navy Pier. Every so many years, John and I take that 4-hour cruise and come back so refreshed from a great dinner and some dancing past the Chicago sky-line.

Ah! Oh Well! But, here we are, trapped in our houses next to the air conditioner, praying for fall and cooler weather. Then in March we pray for warmer weather. What we really need is a new attitude!!!! Some of us have lots more serious things on our mind, don't we. I have been processing a multitude of heavy things. Counselee's, family, politics, etc. What is life going to be like for us down the road?

Then I picked up Joyce Meyers monthly magazine. Oops! Most of it has to do with our attitudes, distorted thinking, and heart attitude. So, I am going to sum it up here as best I can. Nothing too original, but the current times bring such distractions and worries. Even the most studious can get blindsided. And, I did this past week get blindsided. It has been glorious to process my journey back and Turn My Eyes Upon Jesus. That song came to me this morning as I was preparing for church. Pastor Stuart talked about FEAR and that "God does not have SWEAT on His brow!" Then we sang Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.

So, here are some questions and scriptures you could think about and perhaps journal this week:

Proverbs 4: 23 Guard Your Heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

1. What do you think it means by "heart" in Prov.4: 23

2. Name some of the things that are distracting you or have distracted you from guarding your Heart!

"You are blessed when you get your inside world-your mind and heart - put right. Then you can see God in the outside world." Matthew 5: 8 (MSG)

Guarding your Heart, watching out for distorted thinking, and keeping a right heart attitude today seems to be a 24/7 job. I get it when people say to me, they get tired fighting the good fight. The temptations to just abandon God's Word and flop down in the mud puddle gets overwhelming.

3. What are you willing to do to stay the course. Psalm 25: 15. For my eyes are ever on the Lord, for He alone releases my feet from the snare.

Write a prayer about what you want to give up worrying about, being irritated about
and focus on the only person with the keys to get out of jail. Jesus Christ.

It takes Conviction, Commitment, and Change. He loves a willing lover of His heart!

Have a wonderful week.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This past Sunday, we and some friends went to see Leonard De Caprio's movie INCEPTION.

It is a theory about how to place a thought in someone's mind while they are sleeping to change their mind or perceptions about a specific event. The idea was to help a specific corporate mogul to understand his now deceased father. To bring about a different emotional result and ideally bring peace to his mind. The secondary theme was to also help Leonard break free from his own perception that he could join his dead wife by going to a stream of consciousness and make restitution. He was sure he had given her an idea that created her choice to die. Now the majority of people watching this movie probably were entertained by its intensity and state of the art special affects.

My point and take on what I watched needed to have a spiritual reason for being. So let me give you my idea of Inception. Here is what I saw, limited as I am perhaps, but still I drew a perception that is cleverly housed in this theory, Hollywood style.

PROVERBS 23: 7 - For as he (or she) thinks in his (her) heart, SO IS HE (SHE)!

II COR. 10: 5 - (inasmuch as we) refute arguments and theories and reasoning's and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the (true) knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One),

PSALM 25: 15 - My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He will pluck my feet out of the net.

And, there you have it a small nutshell. I suppose I could really explore and analyze all the necessary scriptures we need to be sure - WE ONLY TAKE IN THE INCEPTION OF GOD'S WORD.


Guard your heart, your mind, your actions. It all starts with a thought, the thought turns into a perception and that perception will manifest itself into an action.
Not all perceptions are bad, not all thoughts are bad. I know you know what I mean.

We get ideas about people, perceptions and beliefs that we have had for years. Our enemy loves to flick inceptions into our personalities. I am just saying - Watch what you treasure in your mind. Guard it, prove it by God's Word and Truth. Ask Him to show you the Truth in all thoughts, Words and Actions. Easier said then done, but trust me, after all these many years, I have experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly. Whether, in your immediate family, career, friends, or church. We must always watch the inception of any thought.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


What a Hot Week!

How are you holding up in this heat. I am not even going to talk about all the ridiculous things I have done this week. It is embarrassing. Ha. Anyway, hope your week was calm and cool.

Had a wonderful visit with long time friend Joell Prether from Seattle area of Washington state. A year ago I was sweating it out in Portland, Oregon at my cousin's Gwen and Doug VanZanten. Naturally, it is cooler there this year. Joell had flown out out to see her mom a year ago while I was out there. This year, she came up to see us today. It has been 21 years since she was here. Way too long. It sure didn't seem like it had been that long.

Have a wonderful weekend, and talk to you later.

I will be processing this week and trying to make sense of it. Let you know what I come up with.



Saturday, July 10, 2010


I CAN SEE IT NOW! Shih'Tzu Arrested for Huffing Grass!

Isn't it good we just keep learning new things. Cause when we're done, we're done.

My ten-year-old Shih'Tzu has a sensitive digestion system, and long story short, we ended up at the vet twice this week, and she and I both were up all night two of those days. It ended up on Thursday at 3:30 with violent sneezing when blades of grass began to emit from her nose, with intermittent sprays of blood. Scared doesn't cover the emotions I felt. No one had ever seen this happen before. Upset stomach, brings on eating grass, eating grass brings on gagging and throwing up, only it aspirated and lodged in her sinus cavity. It could be a funny story, and I suggest you go right ahead and laugh. I don't ever want to see that again. Even the vet learned a new thing from this event. I do not like setting precedents. By Friday I was glad to have noted TGIF.

Since I have ended the week by entertaining yours, I would like to say goodbye to my Uncle Arthur "Bud" Grande. He passed away on July 4th and as I look back on what part he played in my life, I honor his work ethic and family ethic. Family was everything. Every night after picking and hauling huge mountain stones away in California, he would arrive home to his "Rosy Riveter" wife, Marie. She really was one of those women during World War II. They would have cheese and crackers and their little cocktails. Talk over the day and exchange funny stories. I got to watch that in 2001 when I was there. He is walking with God tonight. The last of the Old Time Grande's. As I mentioned, just us cousins left. So, I repeat some of that, only to add that in any given week, we gain some, we lose some, but WE ALWAYS LEARN. Always look for what you can learn. What does God want me to get this week and how can I apply it and teach it to someone else. Am I blessing someone today by what I say, smile or pray?

Isaiah 41: 10

"Fear Not. . .for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you (to difficulties); yes, I will hold you up and retain you with my victorious right hand of rightness and justice"

Lord, I choose to live my life by walking with You. I trust You with everything in my life. (From: Hinds Feet on High Places - must reading)

A new week is coming tomorrow. We never know on Saturday night what the next week can bring any of us. Fear Not!

Monday, July 5, 2010



Just like that we went from wet, storms, and cool to HOT-HOT-HOT!

I don't know about you, but I had to hunker down a little this noon. Did not feel good at all. John and I went swimming and then I felt much better. Just got off skype with my favorite cousin Gwen in Portland. It hardly seems real, it has already been a year since I traveled to Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. Wish I could do that again. Her husband does the books for different business men and they then, let Gwen and Doug stay in their mansions on the coast. How fantastic. It is currently 65 degrees in Portland. I could not believe it. We talked about the passing of our Uncle Bud Grande in California. My mom's brother, her now deceased - father's brother. The last Grande standing. He passed away at age 88, yesterday, July 4th at 3AM. When I traveled to Portland last year, it would be the last time I saw Aunt Ruthie alive (Gwen's mother) and her brother Denny. They have since passed on as of last August 21st, and April 15th of this year. Way too much loss in the last few years. Even though they are now present with the Lord, I missed out on spending time with everyone in my family. So I believe we need to utilize every moment of life and cherish family as they say.

So, how was your holiday weekend. We enjoyed the Holiday Pops Philharmonic at the outdoor theatre with the Covells, Friday night. Saturday was date day, and we shopped, ate at Granite City and saw "Karate Kid". What a fabulous movie full of great acting and a touching story. The fourth was spent with Ellen and her two children Jordan and Emily. Jordan set off Fireworks for us at 9:30 and then we later watched the Boston Fireworks on TV - which were the great end to a very patriotic weekend.

It is good to celebrate our heritage. In God We Trust! Joyce and Jack Covell stopped in last night for the fireworks and she mentioned that at church, they heard a lot about In God We Trust! Or do we? And, what has happened to our nation? Another topic at another time.

Hope you are all well and truly celebrating coolness.