Sunday, September 27, 2015



The other morning, it was cold in the house and it was warm under the covers as I sat and read the Word, and prayed.  All I really wanted to do was just not make contact, or connect out there in my world.  It was still dark, quiet, warm there cuddled up and so I asked Jesus. . .Can I sit in your lap awhile, and I don't want my feet to touch the floor or any part of my worldly reality show.

You know of course, that He prepares devotionals to come at just the right day, right?

Psalm 5:1/3

Listen to my words, O Lord, give heed to my sighing and groaning.  Hear the soud of my cry, my King and my God, for to You do I pray.  In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare (a prayer, a sacrifice) for You and watch and wait (for You to speak to my heart).

I wrote about that for a little while, and then felt completely ready to hippity hop out of bed and move into the day.  What I love most about our God is how He listens, and how He prepares us for everything.  God's Got It!  He let's us be little kids anytime we need to.  He let's us be weak anytime we need to, but then always strengthens us for the next wave that comes along.  There is a lot for us to do out there every single day.  Our family needs us, our friends need us, and sometimes strangers do.  Be ready.  Sit and Cuddle with the Lord every morning.  It makes you stronger for the day!

Sunday, September 20, 2015



Habakkuk 1: 2,3, and 5.

O Lord, how long shall I cry for help and You will not hear? Or cry out to You if violence and You will not save?
Why do You show me iniquity and wrong, and Yourself look upon or cause me to see perverseness
and trouble?  For destruction and violence are before me; and there is strife, and contention arises.
Look around (you, Habakkuk replied the Lord) among the nations and see!  And be astonished!  Astounded!  For I am putting into effect a work in your days (such) that you would not believe it if it were told you.

I found this whole concept quite different from normal.  Of course, He cares, but I had never thought of this before. . .

"We need to trust HIS unchanging character."

Because, in every day life issues or events, we need to LOOK at our circumstances from the framework of God's character, instead of looking at God's character from the context of our circumstances. 

Certainly this will take some thought.  What is His character?  He is always unconditionally looking after us.  We are His property. He cries when we do, He laughs when we do.  We matter to Him.  He protects us, forgives us, has compassion for us, has loyalty for us, has integrity for us.  So, now put on paper what your prayer request, trial, or event is about.  We would need to say immediately, I know He cares for me, He gets mad and sad when we go through fire.  He comes down out of the heavens breathing fire.  (Read Psalm 18).  So, our fine line here is, that we have to know and have to trust, He will do everything to bring all things together for good in this situation I am in. 

I believe that a lot of times (as I have seen in clients) that we go to the trial, the event, the problem and we fester and stew over it.  Then we go to God and beg and plead and cry for him to help.
Why wouldn't He do something?  It may not be what we want, but it certainly be for our good no matter what.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


It has been quite fun to say the least.  John's class is quite something.  I listened to stories last night that I couldn't have even dreamed up.  They were shamefully mischievous. 

My God's Girl's With Swords (County Line Group) met at Moose Lake Wednesday night.  What a great place to have Bible Study.  They are so accommodating over there. 


When we think about celebrating victory or recovery - I love God's verse in Isaiah 57: 18

I have seen his (willful) ways, but I will heal him;  I will lead him also and will recompense him and restore comfort to him and to those who mourn for him.

The program Celebrate Recovery is going to be a huge step in Dekalb County in whatever church presents it.  Whether you have fear, anxiety, addictions to tv, relationship issues, anger issues, eating, drinking, it doesn't matter;  you will see how God restores through this program.  This verse says it all.  Whatever you have dealt with, or are dealing with, he will set you back up in righteousness.

It is a matter of you realizing, you are not God, and that you need Him to step in and help you find recovery.  He does the work.  WE just need to confess that we need Him and we can't do it ourselves.

The old 12 step program, has a coined phrase from Bill Hybels.  I can't, You can, so Go ahead!

I am very excited about all of the programs that some churches are making available to their congregations.  Classes for men, new Christian classes, how to talk to a new Christian, Celebrate Recovery.  Project 52.  Amazing.  Everywhere we turn, there He is.