Sunday, November 25, 2012


Great Time in Chicago - see

Camera is on the fritz, so I am going to have to spend time to get it fixed quickly.

Beautiful at Night in Chicago.

Navy Pier - too cold to go on anything.  But fun to walk the walk without a zillion people.

Later, everyone - have a good week!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Little Tree That Could!


Where is a camera when you need one.  I should have taken the before and after picture.

John and I officially reached senility!!!  I swear.

We decided to purchase a half Christmas tree and mount it on the fireplace.  So, since we will be gone over Thanksgiving, I decide to get things out for Christmas so I don't have to go nuts next weekend.

We both open the box and get the two pieces out.  The top piece is smaller and is easy to see it goes on top.  The bottom part was all stuck together and I knew I would need to start pulling limbs out etc.  So the piece that fitted into the top part goes in, but it seems really loose.  So the geniuses hold it together and one goes to get toothpicks to stick in there.  We mounted it on the fireplace. I began pulling limbs out, but it is very difficult.  I step back and I think, well, I just need to re arrange some things here.  I put the garland on it, and the ornaments.  I step back.  John steps back.  He says - "isn't that cute!"  I squinted a bit.  Something is wrong.  There is a shelf of limbs that looks out of place, so I get up and start trying rearrange.  I said, "what do I put at the bottom to cover that craggy looking bottom?"  John said, "oh try a bow or something."  Yesterday I am sitting in the chair and looking at it
and started laughing.  I do have a sense of humor on occasion.  "John, we have it upside down."  He went over to feel that silly craggy bottom and after we get done blaming one another for who was the stupidest, we took everything down, and turned the bottom half around.   Geesh!


Prayer for Truth and Freedom

(I got this in the mail and wanted to share it with you.  Something I believe we should be doing over the next four years and possibly forever)

Dear Jesus, allow the Truth of the Holy Love to flood the heart of this nation.  Place Truth in the center of every heart.  Return the United States of America too its rightful place under the Dominion of God.  Lord, overcome the contradictions in our laws concerning life.  May freedom of conscience and freedom of religion stand always as bulwarks of our society.  Enlighten the minds of our citizens to the Truth of the path on which our leaders are taking us.  Give our people unity in prayer against all forms of dictatorship and socialism.  May the route of good and that of evil be exposed in all this great nation's leaders' decisions.  Do not allow Satan to gain control through our economy.  May sin no longer be defined as a right and no longer be supported by law.  May good people be empowered to precipitate change that will be for the common good of all our people.  May Truth and Freedom be victorious.  May our President, Supreme Court Justices, Congressmen, Congresswomen, Senators, and all appointed officials do that which is the right thing to do.  In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, we humbly ask these petitions. Amen

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week.  We all have a lot of THINGS going on in our lives, some good an some stressors, but let us be thankful for what God is providing, has provided, and will provide.  He always works all things together for good.  Take a day and thank Him.  Ps 31: 8

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Romans 8: 11

And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you; (then) He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.

I agree with Joyce Meyer when she says, we don't get it about the power that is within us.  We ask God for power and strength to do things.  We ask that because we feel flimsy at the time, tired, worn out, totally incapable.  John was trying to ask me very detailed questions the other night at 8:30 p.m.
(ha - right!  8:30 p.m.)  I mustered up everything I had and said "John, I'm off line, okay?"   He thought that was hilarious.  I was absolutely serious.  I had nothing left to give.  In general, though, I think we don't acquire the power that is already in us as is written in the scripture here.  We are pretty sure we have to ask God for it.  We are pretty sure it has to be for something appropriate and according to level of crisis.

Luke 10: 19

I have been given the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and have POWER over all the enemy and that no harm will come unto me.

So since we have it already, why don't we stay plugged in at all times.  I hear lots of war stories lately and staying level is difficult.  I can't even imagine what it is like for some people that have horrific challenges ahead of them.  The young people today!!!  What will happen to our grandchildren in the future?  Do they have a future?  Only with God.  My opinion, of course.  My experience and years tell me, I have to put them in God's hands and let Him take control.  What about the people who have cancer?  What about the people out east, the people in Indianapolis who lost their homes today in an explosion.  Staying plugged in means I will need to make a commitment to exercise my power, given by the Holy Spirit.

We have a lot of responsibility today.  Praying for our nation, and family.  Ourselves and our friends.

I will be sending through a prayer I received on the internet.  Later.

Next time -  Hinds Feet for High Places!   

Friday, November 9, 2012


How gorgeous is it, today?  And, tomorrow.  We buttoned everything up but my special lounge chair and I plan to go out and sit in it.  Yes, and get a picture!

It has been a superb week - free of tooth pain and back pain.  John has all the wood split, and he had me take a picture that I promised I wouldn't show.  As an artist he gets very creative in his mind.  It was my discretion to not show that he really didn't cut his finger off.  When he asked me to get the ketchup, I should have known.  Now you know the real John Souder.  Macabre for sure. 

What fun last weekend.  The Miss Tri County Pageant went well, and then we went to the show "A Christmas Story"  I hear that I am the only one in the world who has never seen this in the movies or on stage.  It was fun to see Jordan's group in a full page, front page story in the Weekender, last Friday.  We had it laminated and framed.  It was a fabulous play and Jordan was truly bitten by the acting bug.  He did a great job.  The entire family is excited for him and about him.  Then Sunday we celebrated his 15th birthday.  All pictures are on Facebook.  But for those of you who don't do facebook, here they are:

Wow, two weeks from today - it is Thanksgiving weekend.  Can you believe it?

Have a great week!  And, please commit with me to pray (PRAY) for our nation.  We must trust God that He knew this would happen, and has it in His hands.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Braving The Stage!

This won't be terrible inspiring today, but bare with me.  There is a lot of discussion today about little girls in pageantry.  Or is it their mom's living through them.  I have been doing something on a stage since I was 6 years old.  Ballet, tap dancer, baton, you name it.  Yes, it carried over into my adult life, and I still can't tell you I think its a terrible thing to encourage young girls to choose dance classes, acrobat classes, singing classes, pageants, and gymnastics.  We all have talent. 

However when I see Honey Boo-Boo I cringe.  I see how it can go over the edge and become obnoxious.  So once again, it is temperance, prudence, and balance in all phases of life.  The Miss Tri-County Pageant was yesterday.  Little girls from ages 4 all the way up to 18 participated in their age category.  My favorite show stopper was a little one who had one the ages 4 - to 6 last year.  Paige Fillenwarth.  I wish you could see this little tyke take the stage at age 5.  It was so cute.  She wasn't demanding, or yelling, or making sure everyone watched her.  She just is a little showstopper. 
I wonder what she will be like at 18 and 28.  Most of the young ladies yesterday were in dance or something like that.  I must admit, it brings on a confidence and empowerment that I think is good when handled right.

Do you take the stage?   Karli is the 11 year old daughter of Jen Timberlin who is the Executive Director for Miss Tri County.  She also runs a dance studio called StarStruck.  Her daughter wins most of the competitions statewide for dance and choreography.   When we were doing the administrative work for the pageant, Karli was at the head of the line helping me organize and keep straight putting all the contestants, pictures, and bio's in the book.  She is a very confident, capable young lady.  Her mother would tell you how she has struggled her whole life to feel half the way her daughter does.  So she has also taken the stage and paved the way for another young person to go out and make a difference.  I truly believe when its handled right, that is what happens.  There are five young women who hold a title this morning in their age category.  Five young women won individual Talent crowns.  One won the Grand Queen (Total highest points over all).  She is 18 and is a senior at Garrett.  Its quite thought provoking isn't it.  Do I take the stage in life, or would I rather hide because I probably wouldn't do it right (whatever that is) in the first place.  It is called getting outside the box.

Whether we are stay at home mom's, homeschooling, or running a show, let us keep a positive influence going for our young women today.  They are, after all, going out there to represent us.

Judges John Wilson from Auburn, Denise Helmer, former owner of Jitterz Cafe), and Dance Mogul, Jacob Flynn from Carmel, Indiana and Intensity Dance.